Mientras abanderado priista aparece al frente en las encuestas, el candidato del PAN debe cumplir con su declaración 3 de 3: Coordinador

 LAVMexicali B.C.,  del 2016.- El candidato de la Alianza PRI, PANAL, PVEM y del PT, Antonio “Toño” Magaña, se mantiene arriba en las encuestas y en las preferencias electorales de los mexicalenses para la elección de Alcalde, sostuvo el coordinador de campaña, José Lauro Arestegui Verdugo.

Puntualizó que, en las encuestas del Comité Ejecutivo Nacional del PRI, así como la de la empresa Plural.mx que se dio a conocer públicamente en días recientes, “Toño” se mantiene claramente por arriba de su más cercano contrincante.

“Mantenemos una sólida ventaja sobre nuestro más cercano contrincante, quien evidentemente está desesperado y no sabe qué hacer con nuestra campaña de propuestas”, aseguró.

En lo referente a la declaración 3 de 3 que el abanderado del Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) no ha querido presentar, el Coordinador de la Campaña de “Toño” Magaña, puntualizó que en el marco de la transparencia y rendición cuentas, es vital que el candidato Gustavo Sánchez, presenté a la brevedad esta información a la sociedad mexicalense.

En ese sentido abundó que no está a discusión si los contratos son legales o no, pues se evidencia totalmente un conflicto de interés con el aspirante del blanquiazul.

“Resulta bastante sospechoso que al día de hoy, el candidato del PAN no haya cumplido con un compromiso para decirnos a los mexicalenses, cual es el status de Gustavo Sánchez en el despacho y dejar solventado este asunto. Los mexicalenses exigimos a Gustavo que muestre el acta notarial, en donde se desvincula del despacho divino”, externó.

Aréstegui Verdugo agregó que lo único que se pide al abanderado del PAN es transparencia y rendición de cuentas


  1. Nigeria has among the biggest populations of youth in the world.
    The nation is viewed as a multinational state, as
    it is inhabited by over 500 ethnic groups, of which the
    three largest are the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba; these ethnic groups talk over 500 different
    languages, and are identified with wide assortment
    of cultures. The official language is English.Nigeria is divided roughly
    in half between Christians, who live mainly in Muslims in the northern part, and the
    southern area of the state. A minority of the people practise religions
    indigenous to Nigeria, such as for instance those native to
    Yoruba and Igbo peoples.

  2. An African country on the Gulf of Guinea,
    Nigeria, is known for the natural landmarks and
    wildlife reserves. Safari destinations such as Cross River National Park and Yankari National Park showcase waterfalls,
    dense savanna, rainforest and infrequent primate habitats.
    One of its most recognizable sites is Zuma Rock, a
    725m- tall monolith outside the capital of Abuja
    that’s pictured on the national currency.

  3. Nigeria is regarded as an emergent marketplace by the
    World Bank;It has already been identified as an emerging global power,
    and has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a central power in international affairs.

  4. Nigeria, an African country on the Gulf of Guinea, is known because of
    its natural landmarks and wildlife reserves. Safari
    destinations for example Cross River National Park and Yankari National
    Park showcase waterfalls, dense savanna, rainforest and rare primate
    habitats. Among its most identifiable sites is Zuma Rock, a 725m- .

  5. In the 2014 ebola outbreak, Nigeria was the first state to effectively check and eliminate the Ebola threat that
    was ravaging three other countries in the West African region,
    as its unique method of contact tracing became an effective
    method after used by other countries, including the Usa, when Ebola hazards were discovered.

  6. The North East of the country has found sectarian violence by Boko Haram, an Islamist movement that seeks to abolish the secular system of government and create Sharia law.
    Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan in May 2014 claimed that Boko Haram assaults have left at least 12,000 people dead and 8,000
    people crippled. At exactly the same time, neighbouring countries, Chad, Benin, Cameroon and
    Niger joined Nigeria in an united effort to fight Boko Haram in the wake of a world media highlighted kidnapping of 276 schoolgirls and the spread
    of Boko Haram attacks to these countries.

  7. The Federal Republic of Nigeria, normally known as Nigeria,
    is a national constitutional republic in West
    Africa, bordering Benin in the west, Chad and
    Cameroon in the east, and Niger in the north.
    Its shore in the south lies on the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean. Where Abuja, the capital is situated, it contains 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory.

    Nigeria is formally a secular country that is democratic.

  8. Nigeria is divided roughly in half between Christians, who
    live mostly in Muslims in the northern part, and the southern area of the nation. A minority of the
    population practise religions indigenous to Nigeria, such as for instance those native to Yoruba and Igbo peoples.

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